Conduct and Corrective or Disciplinary Action Policy

12.01 Conduct And Corrective Or Disciplinary Actions

(Revised by the 校董会 9/17/13)

The conduct of every employee plays an important part in maintaining the well-being of, 继续尊重, 学院. Each employee is expected to act in a professional manner when dealing with his/her supervisor, 工作人员, 公众, 学生, 和其他人员. 同样重要的是,员工的外表要与他们被要求做的工作的性质相一致. Employees are expected to avoid all unnecessary risks to the safety and/or well-being of 学生, 自己, or others and to exercise good judgment in caring for property of 学院.

No attempt is made here to specify all the possible reasons for corrective or disciplinary action. 在一般情况下, 然而, 每当员工的行为方式与学院的最佳利益不一致时,可能会采取纠正或纪律处分, 学生, 和它的员工. 这种纠正或纪律处分可由直接主管在适当的学院管理人员知情的情况下发起, 或由适当的院长负责, 导演, 业务经理, 助理校园主任, Office of the President Vice President, or Vice President and Campus 导演 with the knowledge of the immediate supervisor. The corrective or disciplinary action may be a verbal warning, 书面警告,, 带薪或无薪停职, 降级, 重新分配, 或终止雇佣关系. 除口头警告或书面谴责外,纠正或纪律处分只有在副校长和校园主任书面批准的情况下才能实施.  For Office of the President employees, 除口头警告或书面处分外,只有经该员工所在部门行政主管副总裁书面批准,方可实施纠正或纪律处分.

In the event 学院 determines, 在其自由裁量权, that corrective or disciplinary action other than termination is warranted, the following rules shall apply:

  1. 在实施纠正或纪律处分时,应在合理的时间内书面通知员工.
  2. If the employee disagrees with a verbal warning or 书面警告,, 他/她可以书面向他/她的导师、副校长和校园主任说明原因, 或向其主管和负责该员工所在部门行政工作的副总裁汇报.
  3. If the employee disagrees with a 带薪或无薪停职, 降级, 或重新分配, 他/她可能, within twenty (20) working days of notice of the action, file a disciplinary grievance in accordance with Section XIII of this Manual.
  4. All documents relating to any corrective or disciplinary action, including documentation of verbal warning, 应放在员工的正式人事档案中,并抄送首席法律顾问和人力资源副总裁.

12.02 Pre-Termination Of 就业 Procedures

(Revised by 校董会 9/17/13)

Except as provided in Sections 3.08, ( Other Terms and Conditions for Vice Presidents )及13.04 ( Procedure For The Resolution Of Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Complaints) , 考虑解雇副总裁以外的其他雇员时,应适用下列程序. 收到“终止意向通知”的员工可被给予带薪行政休假,直至终止生效日期或终止前听证会的最终处置, 取较大的.

1. 如学院有意终止其雇佣关系,应通知该员工. Notice of Intention to Terminate shall be in writing and shall:

A. State the reason(s) for the termination;
B. 通过挂号信或挂号信发送给员工,地址为员工人事档案中最后出现的地址, if notice of representation has been received, by first class mail to the employee's counsel;
C. Advise the employee of his or her right to request a pre-termination hearing;
D. Advise the employee that his or her employment will terminate without further notice unless a pre-termination hearing is requested; and
E. Be accompanied by a copy of these Rules of Procedure.

2. 终止前听证会的请求必须以书面形式提出,并在不迟于向员工邮寄终止意向通知之日起十(10)天内向副校长和校园主任(或适用的校长办公室员工副校长)提交,并向总法律顾问提交一份副本. If the employee fails to submit a timely, 听证会的书面请求, 终止意向通知构成最终终止通知,自邮寄之日起30天生效. 如果要求举行听证会, 除非员工和学院同意提前举行听证会,否则听证会应提前20天举行.

3. The General Counsel and or his or her designee shall preside over the hearing. 如果终止决定是由总法律顾问作出的,则应任命一名独立的第三方作为听证官.

4. At the hearing, the following guidelines shall apply:

A. The Hearing Officer shall have full authority to control the conduct of the hearing, including authority to admit or exclude evidence, and rule upon motions and objections;
B. 听证会和证词应限于终止意向通知中规定的理由;
C. The Hearing Officer will determine if the employee understands the charges, and explain them if necessary;
D. 听证官应接受并考虑雇员或学院提供的任何相关信息或证据,不受普通法或成文法证据规则或技术或正式程序规则的约束;
E. The Hearing Officer may exclude plainly irrelevant evidence, as well as unduly repetitive proof, rebuttal and cross examination;
F. Hearsay evidence shall be admissible, but shall not constitute the sole basis for termination;
G. The Parties may be represented by counsel;
H. The College shall first submit evidence in support of its intention to terminate, followed by the response of the employee, 如果有任何. Further rebuttal evidence by either party may be permitted, if the Hearing Officer believes such evidence is necessary;
I. The testimony of witnesses shall be under oath. The witnesses shall be sworn by the Hearing Officer or a court stenographer;
J. The parties and their counsel may examine and cross examine witnesses. The Hearing Officer may also question any witness;
K. 除当事人及其律师外,任何人不得列席庭审. Witnesses shall be sequestered except upon agreement of the parties and the Hearing Officer; and
L. 应学院或雇员的要求,并在事先通知的情况下,可由合格的法庭速记员记录和准备听证会的速记记录. No other audio or video recordings of the proceeding may be made.

5. 听证官应在听证会结束后的五(5)天内将其调查结果提交给相应的副校长和校园主任或校长办公室员工,供其考虑并作出最终决定. 除非在证据优势下确立了终止意向通知中规定的一个或多个理由,否则不构成终止的理由.

6. 是否终止该员工的雇佣关系的最终决定将由副校长兼校园主任或负责该员工的校长办公室部门的副校长做出,并仅基于解雇前听证会的结果.

7. In calculating periods of time provided for in these Rules of Procedure, 干预星期六, Sundays and legal holidays shall be included, unless the final day of the period falls on either a Saturday, 星期日或法定假日, and in that case the final day shall be the next day which is not a Saturday, 星期日或法定假日.

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